County by County Blog

Project updates, commentaries, events and news about health across the nation from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps team.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps at APHA

Publication date
October 26, 2012

Join us from October 27-31 at the American Public Health Association Conference in San Francisco, CA for their 140th Annual Meeting and Exposition.

Stop by our booth (#2730 in the Moscone Center) to meet our staff, learn more about the Rankings & Roadmaps, and share your local health improvement story. You can also learn more about the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps by attending any of the following presentations:

  • County Health Rankings in Action: Stories from Communities: This presentation will describe how communities are using the County Health Rankings data to create multi-sector partnerships focused on addressing the many factors that influence health through policy and systems change.
  • Social Determinants of Health: Moving from Concept to Action:  This session will illustrate how County Health Roadmaps activities are increasing the engagement of leaders from multiple sectors who are focusing on policy, systems and environmental change, with a special focus on social and economic determinants. The session will feature County Health Rankings & Roadmaps partners who have moved from discussions and assessments about the determinants of health to implementing initiatives within their communities. (Note: This is an invited session.)
  • Using National Policy/Research Briefs to Increase the Visibility of Public Health:  This presentation will explore the extent to which local health departments use policy/research briefs, such as the County Health Rankings, to increase awareness of the multiple factors that influence health and the role of public health, and to develop partnerships and leverage funding for the health department.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco! If you can’t attend the conference in person, follow us on Twitter @CHRankings and/or #apha12.

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