County by County Blog

Project updates, commentaries, events and news about health across the nation from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps team.

Looking At Health Equity Through a New Lens

Publication date
May 3, 2018

Imagine a place where everyone has a fair shot at health - where differences in race, culture, and perspectives are not only tolerated, but are celebrated as fundamental to health and well-being. This is the vision of health equity; a vision the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps believes in and works toward.

For nearly a decade, the County Health Rankings have shown where we live matters to health. But, over the years, it has become clear that meaningful health gaps persist not only by place, but also among racial and ethnic groups. This year’s Key Findings Report expanded from looking at health equity through a place-focused lens, to also looking at equity through a lens of race and ethnicity. It is important to be clear, though: this new approach for the County Health Rankings is not implying race drives health. Instead, it is the opportunities that people have and how policies and programs have been distributed that have marginalized certain groups.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Director Julie Willems Van Dijk recently sat down with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Nicole Bronzan and members of RWJF’s Leadership Network to dig into this year’s data, discuss the intersection of race, place, and health, and what it all means for creating healthier, more equitable communities.

Click here to listen in to the full discussion.

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