County by County Blog

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North Little Rock, Ark. Takes Action with ‘Fit 2 Live’ Initiative for City Employees

Publication date
June 22, 2012

Through the Fit 2 Live initiative, The City of North Little Rock, Arkansas, is helping city employees improve their health and fitness. Program members receive membership discounts at city-operated fitness centers, tennis courts, and other facilities, and can join one of four weekly lunch time group walks. The city saw the need to improve health after reviewing their county’s data in the County Health Rankings:

In Pulaski County the average number of physically unhealthy days reported in the past 30 days is 3.3, according to the County Health Rankings. The National Benchmark* is 2.6. As the second largest city in Pulaski County, the City of North Little Rock saw the need for an Employee Wellness program – and took action.

Mayor Hays and city council member Alderman Beth White described the program in a recent blog post and its benefits for the whole community:

The benefits of employee wellness programs are clear: reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity and healthier employees. With those benefits in mind, the City of North Little Rock is an example of how a city government’s commitment to health and fitness benefits both employer and employee.

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