County by County Blog

Project updates, commentaries, events and news about health across the nation from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps team.

Now What?

Publication date
January 24, 2013

Do you live in a healthy community but want to make it even better?  Does your community feel stuck because you are consistently ranked among the healthiest counties in your state despite clear need for improvement? 

Or do you live in a community with so many health, social, and economic issues that you don't know where to start?

Get inspired on these upcoming “Rankings in Action” webinars.


"We are one of the healthiest counties in our state, now what?"

Although Ozaukee County is consistently ranked among the healthiest counties in Wisconsin by the County Health Rankings, Kirsten Johnson, Ozaukee County's Health Officer, continually works to help her county to become healthier.  On this webinar, Johnson will discuss the overall health of Ozaukee County, opportunities for improving the county's health, and her approach to improving the health of Ozaukee County.

Join us on January 29 from 3-4pm EST. Register here.


"We are one of the least healthy counties in our state, now what?"

Scott County, Indiana, suffers from decades of generational poverty with all its associated problems, and has been ranked last in the state for three years in a row. But a passionate group of people from every sector has been working together to turn things around and they’re in it for the long haul. Jene Bridgewater, Executive Director of the Scott County Partnership, will discuss how they are addressing health disparities in Scott County.

Join us on February 5 from 3-4pm EST. Register here.

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