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Rankings in Action Webinar: Fit City Challenge in Smith County, Texas

Publication date
September 6, 2011

A partnership between the Northeast Texas Public Health District and a local newspaper has grown into a community-wide movement to tackle one of the nation’s greatest health challenges—obesity.

The Tyler Morning Telegraph plays a key role in promoting the Fit City Challenge, a local initiative to foster healthy, active living in Tyler and the rest of East Texas.

"The idea of the Fit City Challenge is simple,” said the newspaper’s editor Dave Berry. "Through our reporting, we want to educate the community, providing information that highlights programs, tips and tools with which to fight."

Please join us on Tuesday, September 13, 2-3pm (CDT) for the next Rankings in Action webinar featuring Editor Dave Berry and George Roberts, CEO of the Northeast Texas Public Health District. Register online at Past webinars are also available here.

Photo courtesy of DieselDemon's photostream, Creative Commons.

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