
4823 results

Community Meeting Sign In and Contact Database

This tool (from CHR&R) is a downloadable Excel spreadsheet with printable sign-in sheets and a starter contact database to help you collect and maintain contact information. It can be found in Act on What’s Important under...

Partner Role

Community Members

Community members are at the heart of healthy communities. They include all who live, learn, work, play, and pray in communities. Community members may have a formal leadership role in a community organization, or friends and neighbors may recognize them as the person who gets things done. Residents or students who may not yet be leaders are often waiting for an invitation to get involved.

Community Organizing Game

This tool (from Organizing Game) teaches the basics of door knocking and helps you practice your skills.


Community Readiness

This tool (from Community Tool Box) provides an overview of the Community Readiness Model and maps other Community Tool Box chapters and sections to the stages of readiness. It can be found in Choose Effective Policies & Programs under...


Community Readiness Model

This tool (from Tri-ethnic Center for Prevention Research at Colorado State University) assesses how ready a community is to address an issue. The basic premise is that matching an intervention to a community’s level of readiness is absolutely essential for success. It can be found in...

County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)

Community Safety

Injuries through accidents or violence are the third leading cause of death in the United States, and the leading cause for those between the ages of one and 44. Accidents and violence affect health and quality of life in the short and long-term, for those both directly and indirectly affected, and living in unsafe neighborhoods can impact health in a multitude of ways.

Community Safety Measurement Strategies

Community safety is often measured using the levels of violence and injuries experienced by the population. There are several mechanisms in which to characterize...