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County Health Rankings at 2011 APHA Annual Meeting

The 139th annual American Public Health Association (APHA) meeting is coming up (October 29-November 2) in Washington, D.C. and the County Health Rankings will be there! Find out more about the many sessions we’ll be participating in via the descriptions and links below. And don’t forget to stop by our booth in the Expo area (#2052), where we’ll be collecting stories about your local health improvement efforts and asking for your feedback on the mobile version of

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County Health Rankings at NACCHO Annual Conference, July 20-22

This week County Health Rankings will attend the National Association of County and City Health Officials’ (NACCHO) annual meeting in Hartford, Conn., July 20-22.

If you are attending the conference, be sure to stop by our booth in the exhibit hall or attend our session: “Relationship of Law and Policy to the County Health Rankings: Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health” on Thursday, July 21, 10-11:30am in Room 14.

Blog Post

County Health Rankings Featured in New Journal Article

Have you ever wondered what inspired the County Health Rankings? Released this week, a new article in Population Health Metrics answers that very question. 

The article traces the origins and evolution of the County Health Rankings and how the rich data source sheds light on the many factors...

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County Health Rankings Fifth Anniversary Release March 26

The 2014 County Health Rankings will be released on March 26, 2014. For the fifth year in a row, counties can see a snapshot of how healthy their residents are, and look at data across 29 factors that are linked to health. The Rankings allow communities to see county-by-...

Blog Post

County Health Rankings Launching Important Community Conversations

The Mississippi River Delta and Alabama Region sprawls across eight U.S. states, encompasses 252 counties and parishes, and is home to more than 10 million people. This region faces significant health challenges such as unemployment, poverty and income inequality, and a lack of access to affordable housing, public transportation, and quality health care.

To help address these...

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County Health Rankings Learning Institute -- Scholarships Available!

On October 30, 2011, the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation will be offering an internet-based Learning Institute on the County Health Rankings at the American Public Health Association conference. The purpose of this Learning Institute is to empower participants to improve the health of their communities through discussion with County Health Rankings authors and funders. We are offering scholarships to cover the $200 fee for this Learning Institute.


County Health Rankings Model

This model of population health emphasizes the many factors that, if improved, can help make communities healthier places to live, learn, work and play. 

Blog Post

County Health Rankings: National Comparisons

The County Health Rankings identify the healthiest and least healthy counties within every state in the nation. When you compare the 50 healthiest counties (one from every state), with the 50 least healthy counties, some striking trends emerge: