
4823 results

Creating a multicultural mixed-use community in Greenbridge, WA

To provide affordable housing and on-site community resources in a healthy environment, King County Housing Authority (KCHA) transformed Greenbridge, a suburb of Seattle, WA, from World War II-era temporary housing to modern, brightly colored apartments and townhomes. Determined to meet the needs of the community, KCHA collaborated with partners to gather feedback from residents across the age...


Creating A Resilient Community

Emerging research reveals that communities experience trauma, or adverse experiences, just as individuals do. Symptoms of adverse community experiences manifest itself in a number of ways, including generational poverty among residents, fractured social networks and distrust, and a crumbling infrastructure with increased crime and violence. This month’s webinar introduced participants to...


Creating Communities That Thrive: The Intersection of Public Health and Community Development

Communities that experience the best health outcomes are characterized by healthy housing, vibrant economies, welcoming green spaces, engaged resident leadership, and access to effective health and social services. How can public health practitioners partner with local housing and community development organizations to create healthy communities? Join national partners County Health...

Blog Post

Creating Partnerships with Community Police

Local police departments have a special role to play in improving a community’s health, from reducing violence and preventing crime to supporting strong community partnerships between neighborhoods, residents and community agencies.

How can communities build effective partnerships with their local police departments? What are the challenges and how can these be addressed?...


Creating Pathways to Opportunity for Youth and Young Adults

How communities support young people in their transitions into adulthood is an important indicator of societal well-being. Nationwide nearly 5 million youth between the ages of 16 and 24 are considered “disconnected,” meaning not in school or the workforce. The overall rate of disconnection is 12 percent—or nearly 1 in 8 youth—and even higher in rural counties, as well as among African...


Creating prosperous rural communities

Learn more about the Thrive Rural Health Framework tool, designed to help leaders identify assets, implement strategies, and measure progress to advance rural prosperity, health, and well-being



This web site was developed by Forum One, under the direction of the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in collaboration with the Robert...