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County Health Data

Frio, Texas

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From public goods to private and profitable property

The idea of collective action for the common good has slowly given way in this country to private and for-profit … by design. If we’re going to improve health and health equity for everyone, we have to understand the shift away from the things once considered sacred public goods (i.e., public schools, transportation, infrastructure, and investment in all communities). In this episode, we talk with author Donald Cohen, who recently published The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Fight Back, to find out how we got here and how we can return to a mindset of social solidarity.


Fruit and vegetable program exposes kids to healthy food choices

Children in South Dakota are diversifying their palettes and biting into an array of fresh produce through an educational program designed to increase their awareness of and interest in healthier eating options. Founded in California, the Harvest of the Month Program includes short, engaging, kid-friendly presentations that expose children to the history, health benefits, and taste of more...