
4823 results

How To Create a Strategy Chart

This tool (from provides a step-by-step process for developing a “campaign roadmap” that can help a group decide what steps to take and when.


How to Create SMART Goals Using a Tree Diagram

This tool (from SMART Learning Systems) assists with creating measurable goals with specific targets. It can be found in Act on What's Important under Develop a strategy to...


How to Use Your Health Snapshot

The county snapshots provide tools to help make sense of county-level data. The snapshot data and these accompanying tools should be used to help...
Blog Post

How Washington County Residents Stay Healthy

Washington County is one of the healthiest places to live in the state of Wisconsin and County Health Director Linda Walter wants to keep it that way.

In 2008, the county ranked as one of the top 10 healthiest counties in a check-up done by the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute (UWPHI). In a similar report released on February 17, 2010, the county was cited again as one of the healthiest of 72 counties in the state.


How Washington County, Wisconsin Residents Stay Healthy

Washington County is one of the healthiest places to live in the state of Wisconsin and County Health Director Linda Walter wants to keep it that way. In 2008, the county ranked as one of the top 10 healthiest counties in a check-up done by the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute (UWPHI). In a similar report released on February 17, 2010, the county was cited again as one of the healthiest...

County Health Data

Howard, Iowa

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health