
4823 results

Introducing: Civic health

In Solidarity is back for a brand-new series exploring the connections between our civic health, our individual health and the health of our communities. We’re bringing you eight interviews with equity experts and authors Daniel Dawes, Dr. Peniel Joseph, Dr. Erika Blacksher, Dr. Julia Kaufman, Dr. Solange Gould, Aliya Bhatia, Jeanne Ayers and Dawn Hunter.


Introducing In Solidarity: Connecting power, place and health

Welcome to the launch of In Solidarity: Connecting Power, Place and Health. In this debut episode, hosts Ericka Burroughs-Girardi and Beth Silver introduce themselves and the theme for the podcast: social solidarity. Burroughs-Girardi and Silver explore how our lives and fates are interconnected, whether obvious or not. And they discuss how the two of them discovered a connection that shaped their lives before they were even born.


Introduction to Storytelling

This tool (from Spitfire Strategies) identifies the elements of a good story, how to collect stories and identify best uses, and how to create a story bank to easily access them when needed. It can be found in Communicate under ...

Blog Post

Investigating new ways to support conditions for thriving communities

At County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, we are dedicated to expanding our understanding of the forces that shape contribute to health and equity, and how we can realize change. We are turning our attention to the role of power and the structures that shape community conditions.


Investing in Health: Proven Health Promotion Practices in the Workplace

This document (from Partnership for Prevention) provides employers with guidance that can improve employee health by controlling tobacco use, promoting cancer screening and early detection, and encouraging physical activity and healthy eating. It can be found in Business under Act on What’s Important...


Investing in What Works

This site provides links to essays from the book, Investing in What Works for America's Communities which explores the history of community development and innovative ways to leverage new opportunities to bring opportunities to America's struggling communities. 

This resource can be found in:
- the...