
4823 results
County Health Data

Mahaska, Iowa

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health

Making Changes by Focusing on What Works

For county health officers, sometimes raising awareness isn’t enough. To make lasting change, focusing on programs and initiatives that are proven to be successful in implementation and enforcement will go a long way to making something stick. That’s been the goal in Broome County, N.Y., which most recently was 48th out of the state’s 62 counties in the most recent County Health Rankings....


Making social connections for community health

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation has emerged as a public health crisis and deepened health inequities. Webinar participants will learn actionable steps to foster a socially connected community where all residents feel valued, included and safe.  


Making the Case for Early Education in Nevada

The United Way of Southern Nevada (UWSN) was not satisfied with the status quo. After assessing the state’s existing early childhood education system, the group used its observations to develop a campaign that would improve the standards for quality, affordable, and accessible early childhood programs. Since UWSN identified early on the importance of getting key...


Making the Most of the 2020 County Health Rankings Release

How healthy is your county? For more than a decade, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps has shown that where you live matters to how well and how long you live. In March 2020 we’ll be releasing the 10th annual County Health Rankings and we want you to be ready to take advantage of the attention and excitement of the release.


Making Use of Your Snapshot

Making Use of Your Snapshot (from CHR&R) helps you navigate the information in your county’s snapshot and identify key areas where you may wish to look for additional data. It is part of the Use the Data tool. ​