
4823 results
Blog Post

Announcing Our Latest Tool: What Works for Health

You know how your county measures up in the County Health Rankings and you’ve identified the areas that need improving. Now, how can you choose the best programs and policies to target those areas?
Developed by experts at the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, What Works for Health (WWFH) is a new online tool you can use to find tested, effective policies and programs to improve health in your community.

Blog Post

Announcing the Roadmaps to Health Prize

Honoring the efforts and accomplishments of U.S. communities working at the forefront of health improvement 


Up to six $25,000 winning communities to be announced in early 2013!



Answering the Three Questions for an Advocacy Campaign

Answering the Three Key Questions for Advocacy Campaigns (from M+R) helps you answer each of the three key questions for advocacy campaigns. The answers to those three questions will guide everything you do in an advocacy campaign.