
4823 results

National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices

This tool (from National Governors Association) provides research and policy analysis of best practices through five divisions—economics, human services, and workforce; education; environment, energy, and transportation; health; and homeland security and public safety. It can be found in the ...


National Mentoring Partnership

This site (MENTOR: National Mentoring Partnership) provides a toolkit and resources for starting a new mentoring program or for finding mentoring programs in your community. It can be found in the Educators guide under...


National Quality Forum

This organization is a nonprofit organization that improves the quality of American healthcare by building consensus on national priorities and goals for performance improvement and working in partnership to achieve them; endorsing national consensus standards for measuring and publicly reporting on performance; and promoting the attainment of national goals through education and outreach...

Blog Post

National Quality Strategy Released: Healthy People/Healthy Communities One of Three Main Aims

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is required to establish a National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care (the National Quality Strategy) that sets priorities to guide this effort and includes a strategic plan for how to achieve it. A new report describes the initial Strategy and plan for implementation with three broad aims to be used to guide and assess local, State, and national efforts to improve the quality of health care:


National Rural Funders Collaborative

This organization is working together to create and provide a “gathering space” for small and middle-sized funders—community foundations, family foundations and others—working in and supporting rural communities and regions. It can be found in the Philanthropy and Investors...