
4823 results
County Health Data

Parmer, Texas

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health

PART I: Empowering the Grassroots in Holmes County, MS

When Dr. Detra Bishop, Pastor, pulled into the John Wesley United Methodist Church parking lot in the middle of the week she couldn’t believe her eyes: it was packed. Inside she found elderly church goers having their blood pressure taken at health stations; Miss Agnes, the Health Education Center (HEC) Coordinator, talking excitedly on the office phone; LaSonya in her walker working steadily...


PART II: Holmes County, Mississippi’s Ambassadors for Health

As Margaret Mead famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” The Greenwood District United Methodist Church Health Alliance (GDUMCHA—or “HA” for short) is living proof. The Health Education Center at John Wesley Church is just one of many initiatives HA is carrying out, and they...


Part II: Collaborating to Improve Health Behaviors in Genesee County, Michigan

In an April 2011 Rankings in Action webinar, Kirk Smith, president and CEO of the Greater Flint Health Coalition (GFHC) commented that the 2011 County Health Rankings were "...a good tool to wake people up.” Ranked 78th out of 82 Michigan counties for health outcomes and last for health behaviors, Genesee County leaders appreciated the wake up call to create a County Health Rankings action plan.

Part II: Moving Into Action in Clare County/Central Michigan

As a result of the 2010 Public Health Summit, the Central Michigan District Health Department created the Together We Can Health Improvement Council, which brings together stakeholders from across the region from human service agencies, media, local government, K-12 education, colleges and universities, and hospital systems. Working groups were also created within each county in the region.

Blog Post

Partner Up! For Public Health "Power Ratings"

Using the County Health Rankings and the Georgia Department of Community Affairs county economic rankings, Georgia’s “Partner Up! For Public Health” advocacy campaign has developed a research project and presentation that visually illustrates how Georgia’s economic vitality and population health go hand in hand.