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Roadmaps to Health Action Awards Announced

Roadmaps to Health Action Awards Announced  

Roadmaps to Health Action Awards have been given to 20 diverse communities throughout the nation. The Action Awards, which are designed to advance a community’s potential to improve health, are part of the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps (CHR&R) program....

Blog Post

Roadmaps to Health Community Grantee 2013 Progress

The beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to reflect on some of the Roadmaps to Health Community Grantee successes achieved in 2013. While several grantees made progress in their efforts, some secured policy changes or received national recognition for their work.


Blog Post

Roadmaps to Health Community Grants Call for Proposals

The 2012 Roadmaps to Health Community Grants, which will support two-year state and local efforts among policymakers, business, education, health care, public health and community organizations, will be managed by Community Catalyst and are part of the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UWPHI).


Roadmaps to Health Community Grants Press Release

Eighteen State and Local Coalitions Receive Grants to Address Impact of Employment, Education, Community Safety and Social Supports that Affect Health—Join Twelve Other Grantees. This resource can be found in the About section under For the Media.