
4823 results
County Health Data

Scurry, Texas

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health

Searching the Evidence Guidelines

This tool (from CHR&R) provides guidelines to consider if you conduct your own search of the evidence.  It can be found in Choose Effective Policies & Programs under Explore...

Blog Post

See examples of Communities in Action

To help communities take action to improve health, we’ve added some new examples of communities’ experiences with implementing strategies listed in What Works for Health (WWFH) or key activities in our Roadmaps to Health...

Blog Post

See the Key Findings from our 2015 Rankings

Detailing how we rank, how our program helps communities improve health, and our new measures and data for 2015, the new County Health Rankings Key Findings Report is an overview of our latest release.

In this year’s report you’ll find:

The health of our nation’s counties, including where the top counties are for health...