
4823 results
County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor Area)

Social & Economic Factors

Social and economic factors affect how well and how long we live. Social and economic factors include factors such as income, education, employment, community safety and social support. The choices that are available in a community are impacted by social and economic factors. These choices include our abilities to afford medical care and housing and to manage stress.

Social and Economic Factors

Education What percentage of 3-year-olds are enrolled in an early childhood program or preschool? How many National Association for the Education of Young Children...

County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Social Associations

Number of membership associations per 10,000 population.

Social Media Communications Strategies

This is a tool (from CDC) for planning and evaluating social media efforts.

It can be found in:
- Act on What's Important under Build public & political will and...