
4823 results


This website is an international collaboration to improve evaluation practice and theory by sharing and generating information about options (methods or processes) and approaches. It can be found in Evaluate Actions under...

County Health Data

Bexar, Texas

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health

Beyond Health Care

This tool (from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) provides 10 recommendations from the RWJF Commission to Build a Healthier America. The PDF of their report can be downloaded from this site. 

It can be found in:...

Blog Post

Beyond Ranks: Measuring Progress in Your Community

How does a community measure how they’re doing on health improvement? To answer this question, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program staff hosted a webinar to help participants locate various data sources, develop a plan for measuring their community improvement, and answer community specific questions.

While the County Health Rankings are...


Beyond the County Health Snapshots

Looking for Data On Other Sites Once you’ve identified areas where you want to learn more, look below for local, state and national sources...
County Health Data

Bibb, Alabama

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health
County Health Data

Bibb, Georgia

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health