
4823 results

Who We Work With

Learn more about the many organizations and individuals that we work with to advance health equity in communities across the country.

Why Not the Best?

This tool (from Commonwealth Fund) is a resource for healthcare professionals interested in tracking performance on various measures of healthcare quality. It features maps, comparison indicators, tools for improvement and case studies. It can be found in the Healthcare Professional...


Why the Census Matters to Health Equity

Every decade the U.S. Census provides an opportunity for residents in every community to be counted. The census is one of the most important datasets in the United States. In fact, much of the data reported in the County Health Rankings snapshots are census-related data. While we often associate the census with congressional representation, census data matter significantly to health equity.


Why Wealth Matters to Your Health

In this webinar, our panel of experts will discuss how this gap began, why it persists, and why traditional pathways to wealth have not closed the racial wealth gap.