
4823 results

Choose Shortcut

This document provides a two-page summary of steps in the Action Center's Choose Effective Policies & Programs guide.


Choosing an Advocacy Campaign Goal

This tool (from M + R) provides specific questions and criteria for narrowing your focus and selecting an advocacy campaign goal. It can be found in Act on What's Important under Learning...

Blog Post

Choosing Policy: Action for Lasting Change

Sarah Kile knows that policies last longer than programs when it comes to improving health. As the health educator and grant writer for the Central Michigan District Health Department, she’s helped efforts to allow local pharmacies and hospitals to take unneeded prescription pills – a legislative change that will aid the community for years to...


Choosing Wisely

This employer toolkit (from National Business Coalition on Health) provides resources for employers to help guide employees on how to talk with their health care provider and avoid the dangers of overuse of health care services. It can be found in Business under...


Choosing Your Strategy

This tool (from CHR&R) provides suggested actions based on What Works for Health evidence ratings.