
4823 results
County Health Data

Coke, Texas

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Collective Impact Case Studies

This tool (from Foundation Strategy Group) is a series of case study reports and videos that feature collective impact initiatives across a range of issues areas. It can be found in Work Together under...


Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth

This tool (from Foundation Strategy Group) is a report that calls communities to bring together systems and stakeholders to improve outcomes for Opportunity Youth and to provide a high-level framework for a collective impact approach that will enable them to do so. Opportunity Youth are between the ages of 16 and 24 and are neither enrolled in school nor participating in the labor market...


Collective Impact Readiness Assessments

This tool (from Wholonomy Consulting LLC) is part of the Building Capacity for Collective Impact Toolkit Series and includes questions to help organizations consider whether they are ready to engage in a Collective Impact initiative, the types of technical assistance that could be...