Tools & Resources

15 Resources matching coalitions

Coalition Member Survey

This tool (from Coalitions Work) is a 45-item survey for members to rate the coalition on aspects related to planning, implementation, leadership, local and statewide involvement, communication, participation, progress, and outcomes.

Find it in Evaluate Actions under...


Quality of Life Survey

This tool (from NACCHO) is an example of a “Quality of Life” survey issued to residents of counties that are part of the East Central Kansas Public Health Coalition.


Roadmaps to Health Community Grants Press Release

Eighteen State and Local Coalitions Receive Grants to Address Impact of Employment, Education, Community Safety and Social Supports that Affect Health—Join Twelve Other Grantees. This resource can be found in the About section under For the Media.


Photovoice Tool

This modifiable tool (from NACCHO and East Central Kansas Public Health Coalition) describes Photovoice project guidelines for participants. It also contains example consent forms.

It can be found in Assess Needs & Resources under...


Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory

This tool (from Wilder Research) is a free online questionnaire that can help you assess how your coalition is functioning generally.

Find it in Evaluate Actions under Evaluate Your Partnership and Make Changes.