
What Works for Health includes evidence-informed strategies to create communities where everyone can thrive.

171 Strategies
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Tobacco quitlines

Deliver phone-based counseling to tobacco users who want to quit, usually with follow-up calls proactively scheduled after initial contact

Evidence Rating:
Scientifically Supported
  • Tobacco Use

Tobacco retailer licensing

Require retailers to purchase licenses to sell tobacco products; retailers must follow all tobacco control laws to keep licenses

Evidence Rating:
Expert Opinion
  • Tobacco Use

Tobacco retailer location restrictions

Set the number, type, proximity, and density of tobacco retailers, especially near homes and schools, via state or local zoning, licensing restrictions, or other regulations

Evidence Rating:
Expert Opinion
  • Tobacco Use

Tobacco taxes

Increase tobacco price per unit through taxes at the federal, state, or local level

Evidence Rating:
Scientifically Supported
  • Tobacco Use

Transitional and subsidized jobs

Establish time-limited, subsidized, paid jobs to help individuals with barriers to employment transition to unsubsidized employment

Evidence Rating:
Scientifically Supported
  • Employment

Trauma-informed health care

Shift the way health care organizations approach trauma by adopting universal trauma precautions and providing trauma-specific care

Evidence Rating:
Expert Opinion
  • Quality of Care

Trauma-informed schools

Adopt a multi-tiered approach within schools to address the needs of trauma-exposed youth, including school-wide changes, screenings, and individual intensive support

Evidence Rating:
Some Evidence
  • Education

Unhealthy snack taxes

Increase the price of snack products high in sugar and fat by adding an excise or sales tax

Evidence Rating:
Some Evidence
  • Diet and Exercise

Urban agriculture

Support food-producing and income-earning activities in urban environments (e.g., edible landscapes, front yard or rooftop gardens, window farming, hydroponics, livestock, etc.)

Evidence Rating:
Expert Opinion
  • Diet and Exercise