
4823 results

Detroit, MI: Joy-Southfield Neighborhood Unites to Tackle Chronic Disease, Poverty and Other Barriers to Health

Detroit, MI, is one of the most racially segregated cities in the country, with high crime, poverty and unemployment; poor public transportation; and vast food deserts that prevent residents from easily accessing healthy foods. In 2011, the County Health Rankings ranked Wayne County—where Detroit is located—81 out of 82 counties in Michigan for health outcomes and dead last for health factors.


Developing a Common Language and Understanding in New Hampshire

When data showed repeating patterns of childhood poverty and other poor health indicators in several New Hampshire neighborhoods, the City of Manchester Health Department, community leaders, and residents united to spark change. Working together, they built a common knowledge base and language to support a neighborhood-based approach...


Developing Facilitating Skills

This tool (from Community Tool Box) provides an overview of what facilitation skills are and why they’re important. This section also covers three basic parts of facilitation: the process of the meeting, skills and tips for guiding the process, and preventing and dealing with disrupters.


Developing Youth Leadership in New York City Schools

In response to concerning data about suspensions and arrests in New York City schools, the Dignity in Schools Campaign-New York (DSC-NY), along with its partners at area schools, launched a campaign to build student leadership capacity. The campaign’s focus was to promote positive interventions in order to reduce suspensions and other discipline incidents in schools. In the 2010-2011...


Developmental Evaluation Primer

This tool (from J.W. McConnell Family Foundation) provides guidance for conducting evaluation of innovative practices and strategies in changing, unpredictable environments. It can be found in Evaluate Actions under...