
4823 results
County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)

Diet and Exercise

The environments where we live, learn, work, and play affect our access to healthy food and opportunities for physical activity which, along with genetic factors and personal choices, shape our health and our risk of being overweight and obese.

Dig Deeper

This tool (from CHR&R) is a section from Using the Rankings Data that directs you to other data sources that can help you find more data for your state and dig deeper on differences in health factors by geography or by population sub-groups. It is part of the Use the Data tool. 


Digging Deeper - 2019 Rankings Measures

This resource offers an assessment of the availability of subgroup data for specific demographic groups or for geographic areas smaller than counties for ranked and additional measures.


Digging Deeper - Clinical Care

Access What percentage of health care providers accept all forms of payment (including Medicare and Medicaid)? What percentage of infants and kindergarteners are fully...


Digging Deeper - Physical Environment

Air and Water Quality What are the levels of various air pollutants, e.g., carbon monoxide, ozone, lead, mercury, nitrous oxides? What are the rates...


Digging Deeper - Rankings Measures

This resource offers an assessment of the availability of subgroup data for specific demographic groups or for geographic areas smaller than counties for ranked and additional measures.