
4823 results

Eating Smart and Moving More in Columbus County, North Carolina

A simple message has taken center stage in Columbus County, North Carolina: “Eat smart. Move more.” It’s shared in schools, churches and county offices. Even a call to the Columbus County Health Department meets with a recording of Health Director Kimberly Smith reminding residents to take a brisk 30-minute walk every day and to eat more fruits and vegetables.


Economic Development and Health: A Community’s Journey to Living Wage

What does income have to do with health? Imagine if you will, a community where every employee earns a living wage for their work resulting in stronger economic development and improved health outcomes. This is the vision the Living Wage Monadnock Coalition is working hard to make a reality. Join us to learn about the Coalition’s approach to engaging business, education, health and non-profit...

County Health Data

Ector, Texas

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health