
4823 results

Effective Communication and Care Coordination

This tool (from National Quality Forum) provides resources to increase communication between patients and providers and implement stronger record keeping and more efficient, patient-centered care. It can be found in the Healthcare Professional and Advocate guide under...


Efforts to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes by the Midwest Business Group on Health

The Midwest Business Group on Health (MBGH), based in Chicago, is raising awareness about the importance of full term births and best practices for maternity care. The organization is working to reduce the number of non-medically related, elective-C sections and inductions prior to 39 weeks of gestation. MBGH has unveiled a multifaceted education campaign targeting mothers, health plans...

Blog Post

Eight Tips for a Successful Community Conversation

Allen County, Kansas, with more than 500 square miles of rural farmland and small towns, has experienced declining population and poverty for decades. But the community has banded together to foster a sense of belonging and enhance the livelihoods of all residents, and in 2017 the county was awarded the ...