
4823 results
County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)


Employment provides income and, often, benefits that can support healthy lifestyle choices. Unemployment and underemployment limit these choices, and negatively affect both quality of life and overall health. The economic condition of a community and an individual’s level of educational attainment both play important roles in shaping employment opportunities. 

Employment Measurement Strategies

The Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) calculates six measures of unemployment: U-1, persons unemployed 15 weeks or longer, as a...


Empowering Young People to Create Change

In this webinar, we will explore the power in youth leadership and identify innovative strategies to cultivate it. We'll hear from experts at the Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship, a Mississippi teacher working to address racial inequities, and a high school senior who is the CEO of an international organization rethinking social media use among teens.


Engaging communities in budget decisions to build power

Join us in exploring the topic of participatory budgeting and how supporting resident engagement in public budgeting decisions also strengthens democratic processes, advances equity and builds community power.


Engaging the Community through Health Coalitions

Community engagement is helpful to building healthy communities. One Indiana program is centered around developing a model of collaboration and community engagement to identify and confront health challenges facing residents across the Hoosier state. Purdue Extension uses the County Health Rankings and other data resources to assess priorities...