
4823 results

Evaluating Impact Effectively & Efficiently

Has your partnership struggled with identifying expertise and funding to measure impact? You are not alone. While evaluating your efforts is an important step in the community health improvement process, it can be challenging to evaluate effectively and efficiently. LiveWell Greenville (LWG), a multisector partnership in South Carolina, has made evaluation one of its core activities...


Evaluation Plan Template

This tool (from CHR&R) helps you create a plan to evaluate your program. 

Find it in Evaluate Actions under:...

Blog Post

Even When Your County is Healthy, a Check-Up Can Help

Dane County, Wisconsin is, for the most part, a pretty healthy place to live.
I should know.
I’m one of the developers of the County Health Rankings. The report -- produced by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation -- ranks counties in all 50 states on overall health, and on the many factors that affect health.

County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Excessive Drinking

Percentage of adults reporting binge or heavy drinking (age-adjusted).