
4823 results

Expanding a Model Preschool Program in UT

When a model preschool program in Utah’s Salt Lake County showed early results—improving kindergarten readiness and grade school performance—United Way of Salt Lake (UWSL) and community partner Voices for Utah Children took notice. Inspired by what they saw, the two groups took action to expand the comprehensive, high-quality early learning program across sectors, and put thousands of children...

Blog Post

Experts Discuss Building Healthier, More Equitable Communities

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is dedicated to building a Culture of Health—a vision of the nation in which everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy life, regardless of where they live. To transform communities so that better health is available for everyone, the engagement and commitment of all sectors is necessary.

Recently, RWJF hosted a Google+ Hangout to...


Explore health topics

Explore the County Health Rankings Model The County Health Rankings are based on a model of community health that emphasizes the many factors that...

Exploring Action Learning Guides: Your Roadmaps to Action

Are you ready to start taking action to improve health outcomes in your community but are looking for more guidance? In this webinar we discussed ways in which you can work with members of your community to improve health by focusing on creating equitable opportunities for everyone to be healthy,...