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Addressing Challenging Topics through Courageous Conversations

On November 12, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation announced the winners of the 2019 Culture of Health Prize: Broward County, Florida; Gonzales, California; Greenville County, South Carolina; Lake County, Colorado; and Sitka, Alaska. These five communities...


Addressing High Rates of Obesity in Muscatine County, Iowa

Every five years, all counties in Iowa are required to perform a health needs assessment, then submit a detailed health improvement plan to the state department of public health. This year, health officials in Muscatine County were excited to have a new set of data to incorporate into their planning — the detailed information from the 2010 County Health Rankings.

County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Adult Obesity

Percentage of the adult population (age 18 and older) that reports a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 (age-adjusted).
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Adult Smoking

Percentage of adults who are current smokers (age-adjusted).

Advancing Equity: A Racial Equity Journey

Discrimination based on race and ethnicity can negatively affect health across lifetimes and generations. Racial inequities are not random. They have been created and sustained over time by unfair and discriminatory policies and practices at many levels. Inequities will not disappear on their own, but communities have the power to disrupt them.