
4823 results

Agency for Healthcare Quality and Improvement

This website (from AHRQ) provides information and tools that support the mission of the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Improvement (AHRQ). This tool can be found in the Healthcare Professional and Advocate guide under...


Agenda Example

This tool (from CHR&R) provides an example of an agenda designed with purpose and timeframes. It can be found in Work Together under Reinforce healthy partnership practices.


Air & Water Quality Measurement Strategies

Multiple air quality measurement strategies exist due to different pollutants, emission sources, and modeling procedures. The most commonly measured air pollutants are particulate matter...

County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)

Air and Water Quality

Clean air and safe water are prerequisites for health. Poor air or water quality can be particularly detrimental to vulnerable populations such as the very young, the elderly, and those with chronic health conditions.