
4823 results
County Health Data

Idaho, Idaho

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health

Identifying Community Assets and Resources

This tool (from Community Tool Box) provides some specific techniques not only to help you identify community assets but ideas for how to use them as well. It can be found in Assess Needs & Resources under Identify community assets and resources.

Blog Post

Identifying Community Solutions in Clare and Sonoma Counties

How counties determine priority areas and develop strategies to improve health was the topic of a panel discussion at the 2013 NACO Roadmaps to Health Forum. Peter Rumble, Deputy County Administrator of Sonoma County, California, and Mary Kushion, Former Health Officer for the Central Michigan District Health Department in Clare County, Michigan, offered insights on how stakeholders were...


Identifying Equitable Solutions with What Works for Health

In this 30-minute webinar, we will introduce you to What Works for Health's features, demonstrate how to identify strategies that align with your community priorities and address health disparities. We'll also share how health departments are using WWFH to support their strategic planning.


Identifying Opponents

This tool (from Community Tool Box) includes two worksheets to help you determine who might oppose your advocacy campaign and the specific power your opponents have. It can be found in Act on What’s Important under...