
4823 results
County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)


Income provides economic resources that shape choices about housing, education, child care, food, medical care, and more. Wealth, the accumulation of savings and assets, helps cushion and protect us in times of economic distress. As income and wealth increase or decrease, so do opportunities for health. 
County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Income Inequality

Ratio of household income at the 80th percentile to income at the 20th percentile.

Income Measurement Strategies

Researchers have used various strategies to measure poverty; these include: indicating severity of poverty, such as “near poverty” or “extreme poverty,” differentiating the population...


Independent Sector

This organization is the leadership forum for charities, foundations, and corporate giving programs committed to advancing the common good in America and around the world. Independent Sector's nonpartisan coalition of approximately 550 organizations leads, strengthens, and mobilizes the charitable community in order to fulfill their vision of a just and inclusive society and a healthy...


Indiana Community Health Workers Trained to Support Mental Health

The Indiana Integrated Care Community Health Worker/Certified Recovery Specialist (CHW/CRS) Training and Certification Program aims to better meet the behavioral health and primary care needs of the state’s rural, underserved counties. The program began in 2012, when the state of Indiana engaged Affiliated Service Providers of Indiana (ASPIN), a twenty year old behavioral health network, to...