
4823 results

PTO Today

This website (School Family Media) provides information on increasing parental information in students’ education and your schools activities. It can be found in the Educators guide under Work...


Public Forums and Listening Sessions

This tool (from Community Tool Box) describes methods for holding public meetings to secure citizen feedback on health issues. 

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Partner Role

Public Health

When we think about public health, we often start with governmental public health. The agencies that provide services such as vaccinations and monitor for disease outbreaks. But the field extends beyond public health departments. Public health includes community-based organizations, research institutes, and policy advocates.

Public Health's Special Role in Building Partnerships

Public health, as a neutral, respected, knowledgeable party, has a special role to play when it comes to bringing partners together. However, this is a somewhat new paradigm. What is public health's role today and how is it different than before? How can public health engage diverse partners and community leaders in health improvement work? What role does public health play in sustaining...