
4823 results
County Health Data

Putnam, Ohio

Find out how healthy your county is and explore factors that drive your health

Putting Community in Collective Impact

This article (from Collective Impact Forum) describes five key characteristics of civic culture or community rhythms that help explain why some communities move faster and others slower when it comes to change. It can be found in Work Together under...

County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor)

Quality of Care

High quality health care is timely, safe, effective, and affordable–the right care for the right person at the right time. High quality care in inpatient and outpatient settings can help protect and improve health and reduce the likelihood of receiving unnecessary or inappropriate care.
County Health Rankings Model (Health Outcome)

Quality of Life

Quality of Life represents the well-being of a community. It underscores the importance of physical, mental, social and emotional health from birth to adulthood.

Quality of Life Survey

This tool (from NACCHO) is an example of a “Quality of Life” survey issued to residents of counties that are part of the East Central Kansas Public Health Coalition.