
4823 results
Blog Post

BUILD Health Challenge Awards Announced

On June 9th, the BUILD Health Challenge held an event to announce grants to 18 communities for innovative projects to improve health in low-income communities. Created by the Advisory Board Company, the de Beaumont Foundation, the Colorado Health Foundation, The Kresge Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the challenge...


Build Healthy Places Network

Build Healthy Places Network (from the Public Health Institute) is an online network of resources, measurement tools, and success stories to support and deepen collaboration across the sectors of community development, finance, population health and public health. This resource can be found in the ...


BUILD Organizes to Renovate Baltimore Schools

In the spring of 2013, the Maryland legislature passed an unprecedented $1.1 billion financing plan to rebuild and renovate Baltimore schools. Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development (BUILD) organized with Child First (a school-based organizing initiative founded by BUILD), Maryland Industrial Areas Foundation (MD IAF) and the Baltimore Education Coalition (BEC) to rally the community...


Building a Business Case for Better Health: Allen County, OH

In Lima, OH, located in Allen County, community leaders are discovering the economic benefits of building a healthy, attractive community for residents to live, learn, work and play. In the 2012 County Health Rankings, Allen County ranked 75 out of 88 counties, according to health factors, with high rates of obesity (37 percent) and adult smoking (22 percent). Selected by the YMCA of...