
4823 results

Building a Culture of Health for Latinos: Priorities, Challenges and Success Stories

Nearly 60 million Latinos live in the U.S., with growing populations in every region of the country.  Latinos face significant barriers to accessing the opportunities they need to be healthy. The good news is that community-based organizations (CBOs) are working to improve the health of the Latino communities they serve by strategically addressing the social determinants of health...

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Building a Culture of Health means being attentive to biases

We, at County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, like many across the country, are working to deepen our efforts around health equity. We created an internal work group on health equity in early 2015 to further support a foundation for health equity by enriching our understanding of the barriers and opportunities for everyone to be their healthiest, and by growing our confidence in...


Building a foundation for civic health

Students’ social studies scores have plummeted, due in part to disinvestment in civic education. Yet, studies show a clear connection between the civics foundation laid in schools and participation in our democracy into adulthood. And creating strong civic health equals healthier communities overall. Host Ericka Burroughs-Girardi kicks off the series with civic education expert Dr. Kelly Siegel-Stechler, a Tufts University senior researcher at the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), Siegel-Stechler discusses why improving democracy and our health requires shifting mindsets and investing in civic education.


Building a Movement for Health Equity

What does it take to build a movement for health equity in communities? Forming partnerships between local health departments, community organizations, government agencies, and those impacted by the poorest health outcomes is a first step. Equally important is to change the conversation about what creates health so we can address systemic power imbalances and oppression at the root of...

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Building Civic Health through Healthy Democracies

In June 2021, we released the Civic Engagement and Population Health Compendium, which articulates concepts and measures relevant to civic engagement that extend beyond voter registration and voter turnout, including information about inequities in participation by race, gender, socioeconomic status, and immigrant status.


Building Equity into Your Network of Partners

Networks are a way for people and organizations to come together to find solutions to complex problems. How can you create intentional partnerships that uphold the values, practices, and systems that supports equity?

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Building Healthy Communities

What do banks have to do with health? Each year, the community development sector—a network that includes banks, financial institutions, real estate developers and city planners—spends billions of dollars to revitalize impoverished neighborhoods. The potential health benefits of these investments are huge: whether it is building safe, affordable housing; ensuring sidewalks are included in new infrastructure projects; or financing grocery stores in places that lack healthy food options.


Building Healthy Places Toolkit

The Building Healthy Places Toolkit, from Urban Land Institute, includes 21 evidence-based recommendations related to physical activity, food and water, and the environment. This tool can be found in the Community Development guide under...