
4823 results
Blog Post

Celebrate National Farmers Market Week

Summer is in full swing and so is National Farmers Market Week! Across the country communities are reaping nature’s bounty—growing, selling, buying and eating fresh fruits and vegetables at their peak. In many places, like Hernando, Miss., these markets are not just seasonal fare, but part of a strategic effort to improve community health by making nutritious food more accessible to residents.

Blog Post

Celebrating Farmers’ Markets

The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program would like to celebrate the role Farmers’ Markets play in creating healthy communities by providing access to healthy, fresh foods. The Rankings measure access to healthy food because research suggests that lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables is a barrier to healthy eating and is related to premature mortality...

County Health Rankings Model (Measure)

Census Participation*

Percentage of all households that self-responded to the 2020 census (by internet, paper questionnaire or telephone).

Center for Digital Storytelling

This tool (from Center for Digital Storytelling) includes examples of a wide variety of brief video-based stories.