
4823 results

ChangeLab Solutions

This website (from ChangeLab Solutions) provides policy analysis and legal tools for supporting tobacco reduction, healthy nutrition and physical activity in schools, housing and neighborhoods.


Changing the Narrative in Minnesota

Through its “Ban the Box” campaign the Justice4All Program, run by TakeAction Minnesota, tackled our nation’s racial jobs disparity head on. For three years, Justice4All led an ultimately successful campaign for “Ban the Box” policies preventing employers from asking job applicants about criminal history on an initial employment application. Because African Americans and Latinos are arrested,...


Changing the Trajectory of High-needs Families: United Way of Central Ohio

The County Health Rankings are based on a model of population health that emphasizes the many factors that, if improved, can help make communities healthier places to live, learn, work and play. In Columbus, United Way of Central Ohio is tackling many of the tough issues the County Health Rankings shed light on. However, as David Ciccone, Senior Impact Director for Health,...


Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work

This tool (from Stanford Social Innovation Review) is a follow up to the popular Collective Impact article by the same authors. Its focus is on answering commonly asked questions: How do we begin? How do we create alignment? How do we sustain the initiative? It can be found in Act on What's Important and Work Together under...