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Healing segregation for health equity

In August and September, County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (CHR&R) will present a two-part webinar series: Healing segregation for health equity.


Healing trauma for better health

Join us as we explore how Indigenous groups are taking steps to heal generations of collective trauma resulting from federal policies that called for the destruction of their cultural identities.


Health and Well-Being

This tool is a portion of the National Quality Forum website where you can access reports that focus on measurement and tracking progress for population health. It can be found in Evaluate Actions under...

County Health Rankings Model (Health Factor Area)

Health Behaviors

Health behaviors are health-related practices, such as diet and exercise, that can improve or damage the health of individuals or community members. Health behaviors are determined by the choices available in the places where people live, learn, work and play.

Health Behaviors

Tobacco Use How many pregnant women or high school age individuals smoke? What local or state policies are in place regarding secondhand smoke? How...

Partner Role

Health Care

Hospital administrators, physicians, nurses, and other health leaders can see where the health problems are and work to identify and create solutions. Health care organizations generally include health systems, hospitals, clinics, community health centers, federally qualified health centers, pharmacies, mental health organizations, and health insurers.

Health Care Equity: Tool Kit for a Winning Policy Strategy

This toolkit (from The Praxis Project) provides analytical frameworks, tools, and concepts, drawing on lessons from successful grassroots policy advocacy that effectively shifted emphasis from individual blaming (behavior change) to institutional accountability (policy change).


Health Care Leader Action Guide to Reduce Avoidable Readmissions

This tool (from Commonwealth Fund and Health Research and Education Trust) provides step-by-step instructions to analyze, evaluate, and amend your institution’s practices to reduce readmissions. It can be found in the Healthcare Professional and Advocate guide under...