
4823 results

Health Department Engages Its Neighbors to Improve Health

In Atlanta, one of the many places staff at the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness looked to improve health was in their own backyard. For years, a group of older, vagrant men loitered in an empty lot near the health department, but were completely disconnected from it and the services it offered especially for this vulnerable population—such as health screenings, smoking cessation assistance, and drug and alcohol treatment programs.


Health Equity

This tool (from ASTHO) contains sample slide presentations and examples of how states are leading health equity efforts.  It can be found in the Public Health Professional and Advocate guide under...

County Health Rankings Model (Category)

Health Factors

Many things influence how well and how long we live. Health Factors represent those things we can improve to live longer and healthier lives. They are indicators of the future health of our communities.
Blog Post

Health factors, life expectancy often go hand-in-hand

New life expectancy maps recently released by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Center on Society and Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) show us that babies born only a few miles apart face vastly different chances of living a long and healthy life.  A Kentucky map...


Health Gaps Report

These reports (from CHR&R) help answer the question: Why is there so much difference in the health of residents in one county compared to...


Health Gaps Report Discussion Guide

We introduced the Health Gaps Discussion Guide (CHR&R) in 2015 with our original state health gaps reports. The guide continues to offer important considerations and tips on how to bring together diverse stakeholders to continue a conversation on health gaps, and how to create a safe space for dialogue.