
4823 results

Health Gaps Reports

These reports (from CHR&R) help answer the question: Why is there so much difference in the health of residents in one county compared to other counties in the same state? The reports explore how wide gaps are throughout each state and what is driving those differences. 



Health Impact Project

This website (from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts) provides tools and resources designed to promote the use of health impact assessments (HIAs) as a decision-making tool for policymakers.

It can be found in:...


Health in All Policies: A Guide for State and Local Government

This tool (from The Public Health Institute) provides guidance to using collaborative approaches to improve population health by embedding health considerations into decision-making processes across a broad array of sectors. It can be found in the Government guide under...

County Health Rankings Model (Category)

Health Outcomes

Health Outcomes tell us how long people live on average within a community, and how much physical and mental health people experience in a community while they are alive.

Health Policy Group

This tool (from Council of State Governments) provides talking points, policy briefs, and toolkits addressing health issues that affect the community including immunizations, chronic disease prevention, adolescent and school health, reducing health risks, and HIV/STD prevention. It can be found in the ...


Health Research and Educational Trust

This website provides tools and resources from the Health Research and Educational Trust which is focused on transforming health care through research and education. The site includes numerous research reports that contribute to this mission.  It can be found in the Healthcare...

Blog Post

Health Starts Where You Live, Learn, Work and Play

Leading a healthy lifestyle is easier if you live in a community that has access to healthy foods, safe and accessible bike paths and sidewalks, a good education system, a strong economy, supportive relationships and networks, and quality health care. Unfortunately, there are location-based disparities throughout the nation and many people live in communities where leading a healthy lifestyle is difficult.