
4823 results
Resource (from Human Impact Partners) shows how health departments across the nation have taken a lead role in addressing equity. The site provides guidance, case studies, and resources to help local public health move equity work forward. 


Healthier Worksite Initiatives

This website (from CDC) provides research reports and toolkits on a variety of worksite initiatives including healthy eating, nutrition, lacatation support, preventive services, and healthy choices. It can be found in Business under Act on What's Important.


Healthy Community Design

This website (from NACCHO) includes tools to help public health practitioners learn about or further their work on the connection between public health and the built environment.

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Healthy Community Design Webinar

Every time we step out our doors, our health is affected by the physical design of our community. Healthy community design can help improve the quality of life in every community, giving everyone a variety of healthy, available, accessible, and affordable options to live, learn, work and play.

On Tuesday, October 4, 2011 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm CDT, Arthur Wendel, M.D., team lead for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Healthy Community Design Initiative (, will discuss:

Blog Post

Healthy Community Design Webinar

Every time we step out our doors, our health is affected by the physical design of our community. Healthy community design can help improve the quality of life in every community -- giving everyone a variety of healthy, available, accessible, and affordable options to live, learn, work and play.


Healthy Counties Initiative

This site provides tools and resources (from National Association of Counties) to assist local elected officials with policy development and adoption on a number of health related issues including park development, food access, land planning, and transportation. It can be found in the Government guide...


Healthy Food Access Portal

This tool (from Policy Link) is a resource to identify strategies and funding to increase access to healthy foods in your community, including linkages to funding strategies. It can be found in the Community Development guide under...